Cisco Derivative Works Program Courses
Learn Cisco technologies from the experts at Meet Me In The Cloud. We are an authorized learning partner.
Custom, Instructor-Led Training
Become proficient in Cisco technology to improve your productivity and collaboration. We have developed custom Cisco Derivative Works Program Courses that you can take in-person or virtually to expand your Cisco knowledge and application.
You can purchase these courses directly from MMITC or you can use Cisco Learning Credits using the Cisco Learning Locator.
All courses are eligible for continuing education credits.

Cisco Webex 101 Bootcamp
In this 1-day bootcamp, learn the basics of Webex, including the app for desktop and mobile, meetings, chat, conference room video solutions, and more.
Why Choose Meet Me In The Cloud?

Focus on Adoption
Meet Me In The Cloud is a technology adoption firm that specializes in helping your employees effectively use workplace technology tools.

Learn From Experts
Our adoption experts have been helping companies implement new workplace technology tools for over a decade.

Maximize Your Investment
Our 6-Step Methodology ensures that we understand your business, engage your team, and deliver a multi-modal plan to accelerate the adoption process.