
Technology Adoption Mistakes to Avoid

Aug 30, 2021 | Tips

Digital transformation has been at the forefront of our minds for the last year. But pivoting is only the beginning of the journey towards full technology adoption. Unsure how to achieve your technology goals? Here are some technology adoption mistakes to avoid.

Not Enough Prep

You know what they say: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” One of the first mistakes you can make when it comes to technology adoption is not taking the time to prepare for and plan the implementation and training of your new tools.

When you decide to upgrade your collaboration technology – and before you start shopping around – you need to establish some goals and objectives. What do you need your collaboration tool to assist with or accomplish?

Treating Technology Adoption like a One-Time Deal

Collaboration tools are unrecognizable from what they were even one year ago. Training your team at the onset of new technology is crucial, but it’s not the end. Mistaking technology adoption as a quick, one-time process will likely lead to your company never reaching full adoption.  

Frequent training and refresher courses or meetings are perfect for keeping your team up to speed on all the latest and greatest features within your collaboration tool of choice.

Not Considering Company Culture Changes

It’s easy for company leaders to be so focused on the shiny new technology that it blinds them to the realities of how that technology will affect and shape company culture.

According to RT Insights, a big part of successful digital transformation includes establishing a free-flowing and open line of communication to all employees regarding technology changes.

Keeping your employees in the loop throughout the process makes it much easier to address and mitigate any confusion and frustration that may arise. Though many executives don’t like the feeling of fighting against a wave of employee and staff concerns – and they often chalk them up to resistance to change (in a sort of “we’ve always done it this way” mindset) – you can glean helpful insights and potentially avoid other team- or department-specific challenges if you give your employees a voice in the digital transformation.

Not Training to Full Adoption

In today’s tech-forward world, many people can pick up the basic logistics of a new tool or software in a few days. But having an understanding of the primary functions of technology is only the beginning.

Training for full technology adoption includes strategy review, assessment & preparation, communication review, end-user training, metrics and reporting, and completion. If you are only focused on end-user training, you will never be able to give your team the skills and abilities to harness the full power of your collaboration tool. Instead, it would be like buying every member of your staff a company computer with internet and email access, but no access to company data or files. They’re still able to use the resource, but it’s not being used in the most efficient and cost-effective ways.

Hit the Ground Running with MMITC

Meet Me In The Cloud has services that cater to your needs when it comes to technology adoption, migration, and optimization. Full adoption is our goal, and it should be yours too.

Contact us today with any questions.

Frustrated with your cloud collaboration tools?

Meet Me in the Cloud can turn your digital collaboration tools into productivity engines. At any point in your collaboration journey, we partner with you to fully adopt your preferred technology tools. We also offer customized training as well as virtual event assistance. We know more than just technology. It’s important to us that people fully leverage technology to empower themselves. To get started, contact our experts today.