
Collaboration Equity: Achieving Hybrid Success

Apr 12, 2021 | The Future of Work

The hybrid workforce is the new future of work. It will mean merging the old with the new – creating spaces for collaboration within physical office spaces as well as using collaboration tools to fill gaps between onsite and remote workers.

But how do we achieve hybrid success while hosting and attending meetings? Here are some tips.

Replace Uncertainty of the Unknown with Training & Insight

Collaboration equity is a difficult concept to grasp – how do we mitigate uncertainty around a system that will look so different from company to company?

Collaboration equity is the ability to contribute equally, regardless of location, role, experience level, language, and device preference.

To achieve hybrid success, training is a must. But we’re not talking about standardized, mass-produced training modules or online skill-building courses. To train your employees effectively, you must first have insight into their current ability and aptitude levels.

Collaboration tools are vast and ever-changing. That means everyone on your staff will have different comfort levels with each application. This is similar to hybrid work models, where everyone has a different setup in terms of in-house workdays and remote workdays.

Creating collaboration equity means being open to learning what works and what doesn’t.

Improve IT Practices

There are tons of great ways to manage IT needs in a hybrid workplace.

For example, migrating every business capability and piece of data to the cloud is not often the best approach. Take some time to discuss, with other executives and your employees, which functions, applications, and information are must-haves in the cloud, and which can continue to be stored on intranets or in-house servers.

Before you integrate a hybrid IT system, however, you should do some testing and training to make sure your IT support staff doesn’t get overwhelmed with issues and requests immediately after implementing the hybrid system.

Time and training are important components in achieving hybrid success in IT areas as well.

Remember: It’s About Balance

The hybrid work environment, just like the newly ramped-up remote work environment, won’t be identical for everyone. But it should always be equitable. Using collaboration tools to bridge gaps in face-to-face communication should be a priority.

Also, remember that these differences in what each employee’s workday looks like can be hard to reconcile at first. Before the pandemic, there was a strong preconceived notion that working from home meant that your employees would be more distracted and less productive as a whole. But a quick Google search for WFH statistics will show that not only is that not true, but the opposite is often the more common case.

Achieving hybrid success through collaboration equity may seem like a daunting task, but if you do it right, you’ll see positive outcomes across all your business departments.

Conquer the New Normal with MMITC

Unsure how to get started on your road to achieving hybrid success? Meet Me In The Cloud is equipped with solutions to help you foster technology adoption and plan, set up, and execute flawless meetings and events. For more information, check out our Event Assist and collaboration technology adoption services.

Have questions? Contact us today!

Frustrated with your cloud collaboration tools?

Meet Me in the Cloud can turn your digital collaboration tools into productivity engines. At any point in your collaboration journey, we partner with you to fully adopt your preferred technology tools. We also offer customized training as well as virtual event assistance. We know more than just technology. It’s important to us that people fully leverage technology to empower themselves. To get started, contact our experts today.