
Tips to Foster Technology Adoption

Dec 7, 2020 | Advice

No matter what stage of technology or collaboration tool implementation your business may be in, there are ways to prime your employees for change and increase adoption. Here are some helpful ways to foster technology adoption in your workplace.


There’s a lot more to communicating a technology change with your employees and coworkers than just sending an email announcement that reads “Effective January 1, all employees will need to have XYZ training completed for [new technology] implementation. On January 15, we will be removing [old technology].”

There are plenty of ways to communicate plans and prime your employees for these changes in ways that don’t stunt progress at the utilization stage, without reaching full adoption.

One of the first things you should communicate to those teams that will be affected by the change is the in-depth analysis that can help them understand why this new technology will be better, smoother, or more helpful than the current technology or collaboration system.

As you progress through the process, you can maintain that high level of communication by keeping your team in the loop about training days, any helpful resources you may have for them, and upcoming deadlines for testing and implementing the new technology or tool.

Conversely, this communication channel needs to flow backward. If your team members or employees are concerned about skill gaps they may have in regard to learning this new tool or apprehension about losing vital functions in the transition, make sure you are available to hear and address these concerns as they arise.

Identify and Boost Early Adopters and Enthusiasts

Before you start the implementation or training processes, you should identify those within your workforce who are eager to start using this new tool, and those who may have prior experience using the tool at other jobs or for personal reasons. These people should ideally be from different backgrounds and departments so they can more easily spread their enthusiasm to all corners of your business.

Once you’ve identified these people, you can use them to build anticipation for the training sessions and the new tool launch, assist with troubleshooting and after-training questions or issues, and encourage others to use and make the most of your new tool.

Determine Your Approach

There are a few different ways you can launch this new technology to fit with your company’s culture and to ensure your employees are more easily encouraged to dive into learning and using the tool.

You can create a big bang, approaching the launch as a huge celebration where decision-makers in your company will have a chance to address questions and concerns while keeping the atmosphere exciting and positive.

You can keep it more casual and organize an informative company-wide meeting to present the changes and plans you have for the new tool launch.

For a fun approach, you can decorate office spaces and come up with interactive game-based incentives for learning initiatives and activities.

Work to Foster Technology Adoption with MMITC

Will your team need training or support as you implement a new collaboration tool? Meet Me In The Cloud is your go-to resource for white-glove support and training of collaboration services and tools.

Whether you need training and education, event assistance, or other collaboration-based support and service, contact us today.

Frustrated with your cloud collaboration tools?

Meet Me in the Cloud can turn your digital collaboration tools into productivity engines. At any point in your collaboration journey, we partner with you to fully adopt your preferred technology tools. We also offer customized training as well as virtual event assistance. We know more than just technology. It’s important to us that people fully leverage technology to empower themselves. To get started, contact our experts today.