
Handling Post-COVID Collaboration Tool Issues

Sep 28, 2020 | Collaboration

You think your collaboration environment is set, but is it? With new collaboration tools and remote work protocols, increasing utilization and identifying hidden issues that prevent full efficiency is your next challenge. Meet Me In The Cloud can help.

The Struggle of Moving Forward Post-COVID

2020 is a year no business could plan for. At the start of the year, you likely had evaluated meetings and team collaboration tools for use in your business operations. Then the pandemic hit in March and your organization rushed to get the necessary tools and functionality out to all your users so they could work from home in a matter of days.

That was 6 months ago. You’ve resolved the connectivity and bandwidth issues, the VPN overload problems, and you’ve (sort of) figured out the “who is watching/teaching the kids” schedule. These“temporary” measures are here to stay for the foreseeable future.

In a study done by Slack, new and experienced remote workers were surveyed about the impact this new remote landscape has had on their work. 

Two big trends emerged: 

  1. Those who are new to remote work are struggling to regain their previous levels of productivity and communication.
  2. Collaboration tools can help alleviate these issues and additionally curb feelings of isolation, loneliness, and disconnection during this time

We’ve made it through the rush and things are settling into a new normal, but now it’s time to help your employees increase their utilization of collaboration software (Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, etc.). How do you get them to start using all the bells and whistles that come with these new tools?

The Second Wave of User Frustration

We are still working remotely and will be in the foreseeable future.  Last spring, you rushed employees through basic tools if they were lucky. If they weren’t lucky, you handed them the tools, everyone set up their home offices and you and your staff buckled down and tried to muddle through these new communication channels on your own, without any guidance or support.

But now that the proverbial dust has settled a bit, the previously ignored issues are bubbling to the surface. Your staff members start telling you they are tired of online meetings all day. They still have issues with sound, using (or not using) headsets, adjusting the webcam to just the right angle, finding a quiet place to work, knowing how to share various content files (videos, slides, and whiteboards).  They muddle along but you know and they know: there must be a better way.

There is only so much Googling and Q&A searching you can do when it comes to working out the kinks of your and your employees’ individual pitfalls within these collaboration platforms. And flooding the IT department with small requests or spending hours in video conferences trying to troubleshoot each problem is a waste of time and valuable resources.

How About An Easy Fix?

Have you thought there may be an organization dedicated to helping people collaborate online effectively? Or a team that will address each individual user and their specific issues or skill gaps?

Consider a free, informal consultative discussion with Meet Me In The Cloud, a company dedicated to finding and removing these obstacles to increased tool utilization and improved employee efficiency and ultimately employee satisfaction.  It might even reduce your support calls to the help desk!

Meet Me In The Cloud is a global leader in adoption services and scalable solutions that help organizations compete, grow, and succeed with collaboration tools. Questions? Contact us today.

Frustrated with your cloud collaboration tools?

Meet Me in the Cloud can turn your digital collaboration tools into productivity engines. At any point in your collaboration journey, we partner with you to fully adopt your preferred technology tools. We also offer customized training as well as virtual event assistance. We know more than just technology. It’s important to us that people fully leverage technology to empower themselves. To get started, contact our experts today.