
Remote Work Preparations – An Unexpected Opportunity for Growth

Mar 8, 2020 | Collaboration, Training

Remote Work Preparations

As COVID-19 (commonly known as Coronavirus) is spreading across the globe, you have surely seen headlines of companies asking (or requiring!) their employees to work remotely from home.


It’s happening all over the globe – Shell has all its Singapore-based staff staying home, and Twitter is strongly encouraging the same for all its employees!


Unexpected Opportunities

You’ve also likely seen headlines about how we’re entering a grand work-from-home experiment. Companies like Cisco, Zoom, and Microsoft are touting their collaboration tools to keep your business moving, even while your employees might be working away from their physical offices.


Benefits & Growth

And it’s true – we live in a time where a variety of cutting-edge collaboration platforms are available on the market and all with well-documented benefits to adopting them in your workforce:


Benefits of utilizing virtual collaboration:

  • Cost Savings
  • Better engagement
  • More agile collaboration
  • Keeping Everyone Safe


Responding to Change

However, it is underappreciated how hard driving adoption to utilize those collaboration tools can be. We, as humans, don’t always respond well to change…as evident by the response to COVID-19.


For folks who are accustomed to heading into the office every day and doing things the way they’ve always been done in the past, working remotely with a brand-new suite of software can be an abrupt and difficult change! Even if it isn’t a brand-new software, most employees will have a difficult time adjusting without adding the “unused” collaboration tools to the mix.


At the end of the day, you can deploy the shiniest new collaboration tools, but if your end users aren’t adopting them, it’s hard to realize the return on your investment or even keep your company’s train moving forward.


Real People, Real Solutions

At MMITC, we understand that collaboration tools are used by real people – and we have experience and expertise in connecting those people with the new ways of working.


We’ve already noticed an influx for virtual collaboration users to understand how their new tools can transform the way they work, even amidst the uncertainty we are all experiencing. Meet Me in The Cloud’s services can support your company’s needs every step along your collaboration journey from the initial adoption and beyond.


MMITC Services that can help:

  • Adoption Acceleration Services – New to Virtual Collaboration?
  • Optimization Services – Currently utilizing collaboration tools but need some fine-tuning?
  • Custom Training Services – Use Cases/Departmental/Service specific trainings
  • Virtual Event Assist Services – Town Halls, All Hands Meetings


Meet Me In The Cloud is a technology adoption firm delivering services and solutions that activate the usage of workplace technologies to implement, increase and improve daily operations.


Our methodology ensures:

  1. We understand your business
  2. We engage your people
  3. We deliver a multi-modal training plan made to fit so your business and people
  4. You get the most out of your investment


If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please Contact Us with a message, or give us a call at 1-866-221-3221 Ext. 1


Learn More:

Microsoft Teams: Working Remotely during Challenging Times

Cisco Webex: Supporting Customers during this unprecedented time

Plan a Flawless event with an Event Assist Producer

Providing a Top-Notch Customer Experience in a Global or Remote Company

Techniques for Improving Communications with Multicultural Teams

Frustrated with your cloud collaboration tools?

Meet Me in the Cloud can turn your digital collaboration tools into productivity engines. At any point in your collaboration journey, we partner with you to fully adopt your preferred technology tools. We also offer customized training as well as virtual event assistance. We know more than just technology. It’s important to us that people fully leverage technology to empower themselves. To get started, contact our experts today.