
3 Tips for E-Learning Success

Aug 10, 2020 | E-learning for Educators and Administrators, Training

We’ve been talking about all the benefits of e-learning, but let’s take a moment to remember: online learning creates a less formal and more flexible approach to learning, which may lead your trainees to think they don’t have to take the courses seriously. Here are 3 tips to set yourself and your team up for e-learning success.

1.  Be Prepared

Every course is different. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection and the correct class “hardware” like a computer with adequate video and audio capabilities, as many e-learning courses incorporate interesting videos, graphics, quizzes, and more.

Allocate a good study space: be sure you have an area that works for you while also minimizing interruptions. The empty cubicle near the water cooler may be great from an efficiency standpoint, but it could create too many distractions for your employees who are trying to focus on mastering new material.

2. Set Goals

Create a schedule that also fits into your employees’ schedules if you can. Remind them to set goals for the day, week, and for the course as a whole. Make sure each goal is specific and measured easily: not only does this track progress, but it is also a great way to keep employees engaged as they complete each goal.

As you or your employee sets these goals, keep in mind that the best way to learn is in steps. Tackling one task at a time creates an easy environment to learn in. It will prevent you from being overwhelmed and also eliminate that “rushed” feeling while you try to complete too many things at once.

3. Participate

The old saying is true in life and in e-learning: you get out of it what you put into it. Participate in online forums and discussions, if applicable, and don’t forget to reach out and ask for help. If you’re struggling to understand a specific topic, talk to your classmates or the instructor. Taking charge of your own learning is the only way to achieve e-learning success.

E-Learning Offerings

If you want to implement e-learning elements into your own employee training programs, Meet Me in the Cloud can help. Learn more about our e-learning offerings here




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