
Providing a Top-Notch Customer Experience in a Global or Remote Company

Feb 10, 2020 | Collaboration

Customer Experience Dominates

It’s not enough to have a good product in the SaaS world, your customers need to have a good experience using it, or they’ll quickly jump ship to a competitor.

It’s safe to say we’ve entered the era of Customer Experience.


Aspects Overlooked

However, an often overlooked aspect of Customer Experience is that of your own employees- if you’re going to make an award-winning product and keep delighting your customers, you need the best employees to make that happen.


A Better Way

Who do your employees turn to when something goes awry? That’s right, your tech support team.

A key ingredient to a successful support experience is feeling like you’re talking to- and being treated as- a human being.


At MMITC, we’ve recently seen a rise in organizations employing “tech bars,” in their offices, where end users can get an Apple Store-esque “Genius Bar” experience. And the support organizations that have deployed this as a support model have seen notable increases in their Customer Satisfaction, or CSAT, scores. All because they’re providing a great experience for their customers also known as the company’s end users.


Expanding Offices

However, we also live in a world where companies are increasingly distributed around the world, scattered amongst satellite offices or even working remotely! This is affecting the ability to staff support desks for in-person support, especially when there might not even be a physical office for them to be in.


How can a support team provide a great customer experience when the number of face-to-face interactions just decreased?


Solutions for All

The answer is video collaboration technology!


With the powerful collaboration tools available today, we’ve seen (and helped) organizations deploying video solutions to provide a more human-centric support model for their end users.


This can range from simply turning on your video when conducting a support call on a platform like Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams or Zoom, to using video endpoints to replicate the feeling of walking up to a desk to get help from your “local” tech support representative!


Customer Experience Still Reigns Supreme

And as with the in-person model, Customer Experience is king- and these organizations have seen the proof in their glowing CSAT scores.


At MMITC, we live cloud-native. Talk to us about helping your company join us and you can “Meet Me in the Cloud” today.

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Meet Me in the Cloud can turn your digital collaboration tools into productivity engines. At any point in your collaboration journey, we partner with you to fully adopt your preferred technology tools. We also offer customized training as well as virtual event assistance. We know more than just technology. It’s important to us that people fully leverage technology to empower themselves. To get started, contact our experts today.