
Adoption is the Real ROI for Technology

Oct 3, 2019 | Collaboration, Training

Improve Productivity by Saving Time & Money

In today’s digital world, businesses and organizations are moving towards innovative technologies that save time, money, and improve overall productivity. But one factor that companies may not think to consider is how the benefits of new technology will be affected by the rate of adoption by employees and how long the adoption process takes.

The adoption process of technology within a company can be a lengthy undertaking. It takes time to learn a new system, and to integrate it within a company’s practices. Once deciding to move forward, companies are put under pressure to assimilate the new technology quickly and efficiently among the whole team.

How Do I Get an Attainable ROI?

If there are obstacles in the process of getting employees to adopt the new technology, then the business results could be negatively affected. In reality, there is no attainable ROI with technology investments for organizations. It is at a 67% adoption rate by employees where the start of the transformation happens for companies. This is the point that results and benefits can be tracked and quantified. But the question is, how can companies get to this point as quickly and efficiently as possible?

Retain Skilled Employees

Not only is rapid employee adoption of technology good for the business, but it is also good for employees and customers as well. To create a strong customer service experience, organizations need to entice skilled employees, and retain them. By minimizing the impact on employees through the transition process, as well as reinforcing them with the tools to do their jobs in the most efficient way, companies will be able to do just that.

Demonstrate Improvements

There are a few tried and true methods in driving adoption among your employees. One of the main concerns may be the fact that they have been doing things the same way for a long time, and changing tried and true processes is never easy, especially if they don’t trust the new way of doing things. Demonstrating just how this new technology is going to help the workflow and make it more efficient is key to driving adoption among the workforce.

Track Metrics & Analytics

It is also important to track the metrics and analytics once the new technology is in place. Businesses have goals for productivity in mind when they implement a new process, and they should track the analytics for those goals once everything is in place. This will show how much things have improved since implementation.

Successful Adoption without Pressure or Complications

As mentioned earlier, implementing these new technologies among the whole team is no easy feat, and complications can arise along the way if there is no process to follow. Now what would you say if there was a way to take away all of the pressure and complications that come with integrating a new system?

The great news is that everyone here at MMITC is experienced in helping companies with collaboration adoption service. We are well known for accelerating the adoption process through our proven 6 step methodology, in 60 days or less. What does this mean for your business? Attainable and measurable results for your business in less time.

Frustrated with your cloud collaboration tools?

Meet Me in the Cloud can turn your digital collaboration tools into productivity engines. At any point in your collaboration journey, we partner with you to fully adopt your preferred technology tools. We also offer customized training as well as virtual event assistance. We know more than just technology. It’s important to us that people fully leverage technology to empower themselves. To get started, contact our experts today.